Douglas A. Monroe, MPH, PhD(c)
Gainesville, FL
Teaching Assistant
University of Florida – Gainesville, FL
August 2015 to December 2018
Teaching Assistant for 15 sections (Three per semester for five consecutive semesters) Human Sexuality and Culture.
1. Led lecture and discussion groups.
2. Facilitated critical thinking activities.
3. Advised students in the development, writing, and editing of research papers during office hours.
4. Graded term papers.
Teaching Assistant for one semester Global Health Cultures.
1. Substituted in lecture for professor as needed.
2. Facilitated critical thinking activities.
3. Advised students in the development, writing, and editing of research papers during office hours.
4.Graded term papers.
Public Health Research Consultant
North Central Florida Health Planning Council (WellFlorida Council Inc.)
Worked as a consultant on various community health needs assessment projects across North Central FL, including, but not limited to:
2010 Brain Injury Association of Florida Traumatic Brain Injury Caregiver Needs Assessment Survey.
- Designed and distributed survey instrument.
- Analyzed respondent data.
- Prepared summary report.
2013 Volusia County Community Health Assessment/Improvement Project.
- Worked with community stakeholders to design and carry out a series of focus groups with community members to elicit their concerns, unmet needs, health priorities, etc.
- Transcribed and analyzed data in QDA software.
- Drafted summary reports and reported back to county health department and other organizations.
2015 “The Centers” (of Ocala, FL.) Telehealth Program Evaluation.
- Implemented one component (focus groups with staff and clients) of an annual evaluation plan for their Telehealth program (allowing providers and clients to interact remotely).
- Conducted focus groups with inpatient and outpatient clients as well as with staff/providers.
- Transcribed and analyzed the data using QDA software.
- Prepared summary reports for the Centers to use in their planning/improvement process.
Research Assistant
University of Florida
Served as an assistant on multiple National Science Foundation funded research projects:
Ethnographer – Social and Cultural Context of Racial Inequalities in Health: BCS-0724032.
- Conducted participant observation in African American communities.
- Developed relationships with community members and community organizations.
- Recruited respondents for semi-structured interviews.
- Conducted semi-structured interviews and social network interviews.
- Analyzed data using QDA, statistical, and social network analysis software.
- Drafted preliminary reports used to develop subsequent research instruments.
Field Supervisor – Genetic Ancestry, Race, and Health Disparities: A Biocultural Approach: BCS-0820687
- Assisted in some training of community members to conduct epidemiological and social network surveys.
- Assisted in facilitating all elements of data collection processes.
- Stored, processed, and managed data on site.
- Conducted some data auditing procedures.
Teaching Assistant – Summer Training in Field Research Methodologies: BCS-1433173
- Primarily provided logistical support to co-principal investigators and guest faculty in field research training activities.
- Participated in data collection and analysis.
Teaching Assistant – Summer Institute for Research Design in Cultural Anthropology: BCS-0422753.
- Provided logistical support to faculty in the training of graduate students to prepare grant proposals for doctoral research.
- Drafted a grant proposal for doctoral research.
Executive Assistant/Assistant Planner
North Central Fl Health Planning Council (WellFlorida Council Inc.)
Office Management/administrative tasks, daily operations.Community health planning work, such as public health needs assessments projects across North Central FL.
Doctorate (Ph.D.), Anthropology, University of Florida, 2020
Master’s Degree (MPH), Public Health, University of Florida, 2006
Bachelor’s Degree (BA), Anthropology & Linguistics, University of Florida, 2004